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About Sara Jean Wedel,

Head Trainer W Spur Horsemanship


Sara Jean Wedel was not raised in the agricultural lifestyle, but always had a passion for horses from an early age. When she was 12 years old she had spent years of begging and searching for horses in the paper every week. Her dad finally told her “if you can work extra chores and save up the money you can use that money to buy a horse”. The very next day Sara Jean found a free horse. She started her first horse under saddle herself and spent many years showing in 4H where she qualified and competed in the Washington state fair. This lit her fire for training horses that still burns brightly to this day.


Sara Jean uses the vaquero way of horsemanship and traditions. She fell in love with this classic artform of horsemanship that displays pride, finesse and a deeper level of understanding horses. Being able to understand horses on a deeper level is truly Sara’s pride when it comes to training horses. It is not about just getting a job done or just simply getting a horse to perform, it's about breaking things down and making a horse willingly and wanting to perform what you ask them to do. 


There is no “dominance” aspect in Sara’s approach as it is all about helping horses have a positive mindset when it comes to working and being willing to work and do as you ask them to. It’s all about being a leader and a partner in the working relationship with her horses. When your horses feel like a winner when you're working them they progress faster and are less likely to have issues arise in the future. 


Sara Jean has 15 years training experience from saddlebreds in the show industry to untouched mustangs directly from the Wild Horse Corrals. She has worked under various trainers with all different methods and techniques of training. She has always had the mindset of “you can always learn from someone….even if it's what not to do''. Over the years of working for other trainers Sara has realized that the best method of training is that there is no method. There is no 2+2=4 when it comes to training horses as each horse thinks, reacts and learns differently than the rest. One horse may progress amazingly with one method, but that same method may ruin a horse entirely. 


 Sara Jean trains her horses from the beginning to be soft, light and responsive. “Everyone knows that horses are so sensitive that they can feel a fly land anywhere on their body, so why doesn't everyone ride like they actually believe that?” Is what she says to her students. Not only does she have a passion for training, but Sara Jean has a passion for educating those who seek it as well.


Sara Jean did  not grow up with a lot of money and didn't have the means to go to trainers and get lessons. Everything she did was by her own research and dedication trying new things to train her horse so that she could be on a competitive level with showing. Over the years Sara Jean has found joy in educating others, because she too once was that kid striving for knowledge (and still is) to better her horsemanship.


Sara Jean's passions lie not only with training horses, but in helping others educate themselves and grow their knowledge and experience so that they too can have a better bond and relationship with their horses. Sara takes pride in making sure that she can help others establish clear and effective communication with their horses in a way that benefits both rider and horse to form a mutual understanding and respect.

Get in Touch

(208) 597-6712

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