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W Spur Horsemanship

Keeping the Vaquero Traditions Alive


Understanding Your Animals

"There is no mysticism, or magic, or only one method in the realm of good horsemanship...It's knowing that everything you think you know about horses may change with the very next horse" - Tom Dorrance 


        Each horse is a individual, just like people. Each horse can think, react and behave completely different from each other. My method of training is there is no method. I work a horse as an individual and not generalize them as a whole. One "method" may work miracles on one horse, but may completely ruin another. 


       The Oxford Dictionary defines Horsemanship as "skill in riding horses". Horsemanship to me is so much more than just "riding a horse", horsemanship to me is an art, skill, passion, understating and relationship with each individual horse. Horsemanship isn't something something that you just acquire by being around a horse, its something that takes years of practice, dedication, wisdom and experience to obtain. Being able to read and understand horses is key to true horsemanship. Being able to read each horse based on their level of training and individual personality is key to training. I am a firm believer in no matter what I'm working on with a horse I set them up for success. Whether it be learning to halter or do a rollback, set them up so that they understand and want to succeed and accomplish what you are asking them to do. 


        My approach in training is to understand each horse so that I may help that horse progress and give them a solid foundation in whatever I'm working with. Horses that have problems of bucking, rearing, refusal to load in a trailer, buddy sour, etc I break the problem down by understanding why these issues are arising. When I'm starting horses or working untouched horses I set them up in such a way that sets a solid foundation and prevent from issues like these from arising in the future.


        I use the vaquero and buckaroo style of training that has been around hundreds of years and is the foundation of horsemanship today. No matter how you ride or train your horse in one way or another you are using the vaquero style of training. I take a more modern approach with my horses as I am all about understanding a horse as an individual and work with that horse how that particular horse needs to be worked. My routine is not a routine at all, but more of going out and letting the horse tell me what needs to be worked on not just that day, but that minute I am working with them.

"if you are only a student of technique, then your options are very limited. On the other hand, when you are a student of the horse, your options are unlimited."

-Mark Rashid

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Cocolalla, Idaho

(208) 597-6712

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